Update from the Board
May 1, 2023
It’s been a busy spring at Beacon, especially the architects’ presentation of their vision of Beacon’s future. Below are some of the items discussed at recent meetings:
The Board has been focused on gathering enough information to make decisions regarding Beacon’s properties.
695 Springfield Avenue:
After attending the architects’ presentation last month, the Board voted to approve the FET’s request to engage an engineer to prepare a site plan that can be submitted to the town for approval. This is a preliminary step that will keep the program moving forward without a significant expenditure.
A Q&A document addresses many of the questions that have been recently raised by the congregation since the plans were presented.
The Board will be getting regular reports from the Capital Campaign showing the progress toward our goal.
309 Springfield Avenue:
The Board voted to formally withdraw the application to Summit’s Zoning Board for building at 309. In the future, the Board expects to recommend selling the property, but the timing has not yet been determined.
4 Waldron Avenue:
The Board has commissioned two Task Forces who are looking into the property value and the missional potential of the property.
Town Hall Meetings:
In preparation for the Annual Congregation Meeting where you’ll vote on the budgets for the next fiscal year, we’ll hold two town hall meetings both in person at 4 Waldron and via Zoom:
Capital budget town hall meeting: Sunday, May 21 at 5 PM
Operating budget town hall meeting: Wednesday, May 31 at 7:30 PM
Annual Congregation Meeting:
Sunday, June 11, 2023 at 11:15 AM, in-person only at 4 Waldron Avenue.
Plainfield Congregation:
The First Unitarian Society of Plainfield is planning on disbanding this spring and we hope to welcome about a dozen of its members to Beacon. At our last meeting, the Board agreed on a proposal for managing and distributing their endowment fund as well as encouraging their ongoing support of the Plainfield Food Pantry, which they founded. Please be sure to give them a warm welcome when you see them on Sunday mornings.
Commitment to Anti Racism
The Board is planning to formalize a policy that values diversity in selecting our contractors and vendors.
Upcoming changes:
The terms of three Board members will be ending on June 30 - Janet Roberts, Carol Conger Miller, and Adam Gonnerman. At the Congregation Meeting you’ll be voting to approve the slate of Board candidates presented by the Nominating Committee.
Next Board meeting:
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 16 at 7:30 PM at 4 Waldron Avenue. Beacon members may attend the meetings, and should notify the Board in advance at BoardofTrustees@SummitBeacon.org.