An Invitation to Serve

...on The Board of Trustees

Where are you on your spiritual journey?

Serving in a leadership position at Beacon can be a very meaningful experience that deepens your own spiritual journey. Beacon needs leaders who contribute curiosity, vision, commitment to anti-racism, a love for the community, and a desire to bring our UU principles to life. 

Every Beacon members is eligible for Board membership and our goal is a diverse group of Board members to represent Beacon’s community and needs.

Wondering what the Board does? Beacon’s Board of Trustees is a group of elected leaders of the congregation who serve our mission and ensure we foster a vibrant and relevant institution.

The Board focuses on:

  • A commitment to dismantling systems of racism and oppression

  • Forward thinking decision making that shapes Beacon’s future

  • Leadership and direction in Beacon’s building expansion efforts

  • Consideration of legal/financial issues

  • Budget planning

  • Proactive action on issues facing the congregation

What you will find...

  • A profound connection to a beloved community of nine hard working leaders plus the leadership team to share your aspirations and spiritual growth

  • An exciting list of opportunities to help guide Beacon’s ministries

  • A clearer connection to UUism and the UUA; bringing a sense of being a part of a worldwide movement for truth and justice

  • And SO MUCH more!

Why not include your name in this year’s nominees to serve on our Board of Trustees! Want to learn even more? We’d love to chat! Please reach out at or phone a member of the committee: Kris Gordon, Kendall Murano, or Chad Petrovay. And watch for upcoming informal Q&A sessions in February, open to all! (return to top)

An Invitation to Serve

...on the Nominating Committee

Where are you on your spiritual journey?

Are you seeking a rewarding way to deepen your experience at Beacon and wondering how you can have an impact on Beacon’s mission?

Service on the Nominating Committee has proven to be a very meaningful experience that has deepened the spiritual journey of those who have served. Beacon is a voluntary organization (meaning our mission comes alive through our works), and we seek volunteers  who contribute curiosity, vision, commitment to anti-racism, a love for the community, and a desire to bring our UU principles to life. 

Wondering what the Nominating Committee does? As one of only two Committees established in our bylaws, the Nominating Committee is elected by Beacon members and officially tasked with proposing nominees for congregational approval for the Board of Trustees and the Nominating Committee itself.  Assistance to other committees and teams in helping to identify leaders is also provided when requested.

The Nominating Committee is committed to focusing on: 

  • Identifying and developing leaders with a recognition of service as a sacred responsibility, and a meaningful and enriching part of our spiritual journey at Beacon.

  • Working toward Beacon’s stated commitment to dismantle racism by using anti-oppressive practices, specifically transparency and accessibility, in nominating, selecting, and supporting members in leadership and service.

These priorities guide our efforts to update and expand our practices for identifying leaders, and we welcome your strengths and your voice in continuing this work!

What you will find…

  • A small, committed group that works closely and affirms their time together as valuable and sacred

  • An enjoyable opportunity to meet and build relationships with Beacon leaders as you help fill Beacon’s Board and Nominating Committee with passionate members

  • A chance to further Beacon’s commitment to anti-racism and anti-oppression by encouraging the use of resources and opportunities to further leaders’ awareness and commitment to dismantling oppression

Why not reach out to explore what it’s like to serve on this important committee? We’d love to chat with you! Please reach out at or contact a member of the committee:

Kris Gordon

Kendall Murano

Chad Petrovay

Please reach out at or phone a member of the committee.

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Testimonials from Current and Former Board of Trustees members

“Serving on the Board is how I give back to the Beacon community that has welcomed me with open arms and helped me find myself when I needed a guiding hand.” ~ Alejandro Polo, former Board Treasurer

"I am grateful for the opportunity to serve on the board of trustees at Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Summit, where I can help support a compassionate and justice-driven community as we work together to shape its future." ~Barbara Heisler, Board Treasurer

"Serving on the board has broadened my appreciation for where we have been, where we are now, and where we are going. I am also inspired by the tremendous work so many people put into our community from the Leadership Team, to staff, to lay leaders. It is an honor." ~Missy Rogers, Board Vice President

“I value the opportunity to give back to Beacon while also deepening my own spiritual journey.” ~ Marcy Beitle, Board President

“Serving on the Board gave me the opportunity to support the Leadership Team and to help the congregation stay true to its mission.” ~ Carol Conger Miller, former Board member

“I value the perspective one gains on the depth and breadth of Beacon's activities, which both inspires and energizes me.” ~ Madhan Gounder, former Board member

“What I most valued about being on the Board was the chance to help our congregation build a Beloved Community and to ensure that community will thrive long into the future.” ~ Janet Roberts, former Board member

“What I value most about serving on the board is the opportunity to deepen my spirituality through serving the Beacon community.” ~ Jessica Park, former Board member

“I have served with so many wonderful people on the Board, and thoroughly enjoyed the work we've done to build a brighter Beacon.” ~ David Gordon, former Board member

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