“The great end in religious instruction is not to stamp our minds upon the young, but to stir up their own; not to make them see with our eyes, but to look inquiringly and steadily with their own; not to give them a definite amount of knowledge, but to inspire a fervent love of truth; not to form an outward regularity, but to touch inward springs; not to bind them by ineradicable prejudices to our particular sect or peculiar notions, but to prepare them for impartial, conscientious judging of whatever subjects may be offered to their decision; not to burden the memory, but to quicken and strengthen the power of thought; not to impose religion upon them in the form of arbitrary rules, but to awaken the conscience, the moral discernment. In a word, the great end is to awaken the soul, to excite and cherish spiritual life.” —William Ellery Channing
Welcome to our programs for children and youth! At Beacon we are committing to raising resilient, confident and compassionate youth and children. Registration is now open for the 2024-2025 Youth & Children’s small groups. Please visit this link to register your child if you are joining for the first time. If you are a returning family, please use this link.
Prek-5th graders gather at Beacon each Sunday starting on September 15 at 9:30 and 11:00 AM for an hour of ritual, song, story, craft and activities. 6-12th grades meet on Sunday nights at 6:00 PM.
At Beacon, children, youth and adults are spiritual beings seeking community and connection with one another. We welcome children and youth into our worship service as an inherent part of our religious community. You’ll find them serving as worship leaders, musicians, and ushers.
Detailed curriculum descriptions for 2024-25 can be found here.
Living our values for a more just and equitable world
All ages commit to social justice and engage in efforts towards equity.
PreK-5th Grade
gather in small groups with adult guides for
worship, rituals, songs, activities and stories to learn about and discover the joy of Unitarian Universalism. Gathering at 9:30 or 11 AM starting September 15, 2024. Our Whole Lives, values based sexuality education is offered in the Spring of 1st grade and January 2025 for 5th grade.
6th/7th Grade is Junior Youth Group and Twilight Zone
A world of discovery awaits as our Junior Youth Group explores values using The Twilight Zone series as their curriculum. Meets Sunday nights at 6 PM. Begins September 15, 2024
8th Grade is Our Whole Lives: Values Based Sexuality Education
A cornerstone comprehensive sexuality education program based in values where teens explore decision making, body image, and other life issues in a safe environment. Gathering on Sunday nights at 6 PM, starting September 15, 2024.
9th -12th Grade is Senior Youth Group
Whatever you can do or dream, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Let us be BOLD in our loving and our living - ~ Goethe and Beacon Youth
Senior youth gather for connection, deep sharing and holding each other with resilient faith. Adult advisers offer guidance and perspective.
Gathering Sunday nights at 6 PM, starting September 15, 2024.
Values based Sexuality Education: Each year we offer values based sexuality education, called Our Whole Lives, for 1st, 5th and 8th graders. To find out more, email Jamaine@summitbeacon.org.
Coronavirus Prevention Guidelines
In an effort to be proactive and heed CDC recommendations regarding coronavirus prevention, we are asking everyone to please read and observe the following guidelines:
If you or your child exhibit the following symptoms, please stay home:
Sneezing, excessive mucus
Body contact is discouraged especially hand-holding and hugging.
Due to supply and demand, we have limited sanitizing products. We will need your help to maintain the following procedures. If you have extra hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, or a DIY alternative, please share it with us.