Dear Beacon,
You have a challenge.
It’s Sex Sunday. I (Rev. Emilie) am playing host at this Social Hour, and I’m more than a little nervous. Rev. Robin preaches Sex Sunday; Dr. Tuli is the OWL facilitator; I’m not exactly the best candidate for host. Yet, here I am. What if the conversation turns awkward or even hurtful and I’m suddenly in my worst middle school nightmare?
We embodied risk (February’s theme) by asking the group to share what they would tell their younger selves about sexuality? (Sexuality isn't just about sex. It's how we see ourselves, how we relate to others, what we value when we see ourselves and others.) Not only did it not go south, but the conversation became powerful and meaning-filled. In fact, the wisdom elicited might soon show up on a bumper sticker near you:
Sexuality is a gift you give yourself. * Treasure the Pleasure. * Hands on Social Justice * Pleasure is pure healing. * Be Realistic -- Demand the Impossible * You Define You!
That’s what I love about Beacon. We lean into fuller living, life that springs from our very being rather than what is imposed upon us, with our willingness to delve into the parts of life we’re told to feel shame about. A community that upholds “you define you!” is an amazing thing. (BTW, if you want to continue to delve into sexuality, come tonight Feb 17th to Refuel Evensong with Dr. Melanie Davis.)
As we move into the second half of this month’s theme, we will continue to delve into subjects we don’t often address. In services and community groups, we’ll explore risks that are life-giving and those that are life-endangering. The Rev. Meg Riley shares her own story of rebelling against her very risk-averse upbringing only to understand later, as she trained to be a rape hotline counselor, the real danger she had put herself in.
Together we’ll discern what values guide our decision making, to lean into risk or lean away. What is the relationship between our actions and consequences of our actions? We’ll reflect upon where we put our faith when the bottom falls out of our lives. And how we care for ourselves.
Where else can you ask such questions? Where else can you be heard into being? I am so grateful for all of the ways Beacon invites us all into deeper meaning, deeper faith and deeper living.
With a faith known as Love,
Tuli and Revs Robin and Emilie