April 30, 2023

Pancakes, Partners, and Progress!

Join Beacon members from our trip to Jowai, India as we share spiritual learnings from our experiences with Unitarianism in India and Romania. What might a faith continents away teach us in the here and now in New Jersey? Music with Jean Crichton, Rosena Hill Jackson, Jason Jackson and Misa Iwama.

Worship leaders in order of appearance:

Misa Iwama, Director of Music Ministry

Jean Crichton, Beacon Choir Member

Rosena Hill Jackson, vocalist

Jason Jackson, trombone


Hymn #123, Spirit of Life (from Singing the Living Tradition)

What a Wonderful World (Bob Thiele and George Weiss)

#1009 Meditation on Breathing (from Singing the Journey)

Love in Any Language (John Mays and jon Mohr)

#1018 Come and Go With Me to that Land

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