August 20, 2023

On Wealth

Henry David Thoreau once said, "Wealth is the ability to fully experience life." How does our relationship with money affect our ability to experience the richness of life?

Order of Service

Prelude (Online): “Come, Come Whoever You Are,” Music: Lynn Adair Ungar; Words: Rumi; Strings Arr. Truman Harris; Unfolding- Sarah Jebian and Laura Weiss

Welcome: Dr. Tuli Patel, Lead Ministry Team

Chalice Lighting: Dick Muldoon, Worship Associate

Opening Hymn: “The Tide is Rising” and #389 Gathered Here

  • Misa Iwama, Director of Music Ministry on piano

  • Sarah Griffiths and Tami Petty, guest vocalists

The Fisherman’s Parable

Candle Lighting: Kit Stinson, Chaplain with Hide and Seek, by Howard Jones

Music: #34 Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire

Testimonial: Carol Satchell, Member & Virtual Usher

Offertory Music: Home Will Find You (by Sandi Patty)

There are two ways to give to Beacon’s mission.

  1. Online giving through Vanco:

  2. Make a check payable to Beacon. Mail to 4 Waldron Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901. 

Thank you for your generosity.

Poem: Blues by Elizabeth Alexander

Sermon: “On Wealth” emilie boggis, Lead Ministry Team

Closing Song: #126 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Ritual of Blessing: Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner & Dr. Tuli Patel


Other Beacon Staff & Volunteers who made this service possible:

Live Stream Technician: Will Cisco

Audio Technician: Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner (because they teach you audio skills in seminary… If you’d like to join our audio team, a paid position!, reach out to

Board Greeter: Alejandro Polo

Welcome Team: Suzanne Wagner & Hilary Polk

Virtual Usher: Carol Satchell

Guest User