January 12, 2025
Stronger Together: Our Interfaith Narrative
Throughout our history, Unitarian Universalists and our predecessor movements have been heavily engaged in interfaith work and connections. Join Intern Minister Pablo as lead us down this fascinating historical path with key examples, what we can learn from them, and why it's so important for us in particular to continue that work.
Program for children and youth: Programming for PreK - 5th grades is at 9:30 and 11 AM. Children begin in Sanctuary (main level). Grades 6 and up meet at 6 PM.
Gratitude to all volunteers for making this service possible.
Worship Lead: Pablo Vazquez
Music: Misa Iwama, John O’Neill
Live Stream Technician: Lux Chakrapani
Audio Tech: Tejas Chakarapani
Worship Associate: Rachel Rydzewski
Board Greeter: Kimi Nakata
Welcome Team: Suzanne Wagner (9:30), Stephanie and Michael Szarek (11)
Virtual Usher: Denise Soppas Chat
Chaplain: Daniel Llanes (9:30), Cathy Menendez (11
Prelude: John O’Neill
Welcome: Tuli Patel
Chalice Lighting: Rachel Rydzewski
Song: #1023 Building Bridges, Misa Iwama
Time For All Ages: Searching for the Spirit of Life
Reprise Building Bridges
Candlelighting: Daniel Llanes (9:30), Cathy Menendez (11)
Hymn: #4 I Brought My Spirit to the Sea
Meditation: Pablo Vazquez
Song: Woke Up This Morning With My Mind Stayed on Freedom
Testimony: Kris Gordon
Offertory: Solace by Scott Joplin
Homily: “Stronger Together”, Pablo Vazquez
Song: Where You Go by Shoshana Jedwab
Benediction: Pablo Vazquez