January 26, 2025

Don't Get It Confused

We are a sanctuary people and sanctuary congregation. We center in the values of sanctuary this Sunday and welcome a special collection for First Friends of NY and NJ.

Program for children and youth: Programming for PreK - 5th grades is at 9:30 and 11 AM. Children begin in Sanctuary (main level). Grades 6 and up meet at 6 PM.

Prelude: John O’Neill

Welcome and Centering Reading: Missy Rogers, Beacon Worship Associate

Opening Hymn #318, We Would Be One

Chalice Lighting: Rev. Dr. Tuli Patel, Lead Ministry Team

Candlelighting: John Laney and Adam Gonnerman, Beacon Chaplains

Piano solo: Sanctuary by Carrie Newcomer

Reading: Excerpts Bishop Mariann Budde and Archbishop Oscar Romero read by Missy Rogers

A Prayer for Mercy: Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner

Hymn: #205 Amazing Grace

Testimony: Katy Sastre: First Friends of New York and New Jersey

Offertory: Rise Again by the Urban Voices Project

We Shall Be Known by Karisha Longaker

Sermon: Don’t Get It Confused, Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner

Hymn: #170 Singing For Our Lives

Benediction: Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team

Postlude: John O’Neill

With thanks to the volunteers and staff who help make our service possible including:

Worship Lead: Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner

Music: Misa Iwama, John O’Neill

Live Stream Technician: Lux Chakrapani

Audio Tech: Tejas Chakrapani

Worship Associate: Misy Rogers

Board Greeter: Marcy Beitle and Ellie Muska

Welcome Team: Suzanne Wagner, Marty Rothfelder and Jean Crichton

Virtual Usher: Pablo Vazquez and Sasha Torres

Chaplain: John Laney and Adam Gonnerman

Rick Myers