January 29, 2023
Amen! Have you ever responded to a story or a speaker or a book with a resounding "Amen!" Well, let's get our "Amens" ready for The Nap Ministry, an organization founded by Tricia Hersey to resist grind culture and lift up community healing.
Worship leaders in order of appearance:
John O’Neill (Pianist)
Rev emilie boggis (Lead Ministry Team)
Missy Rogers (Worship Associate)
Misa Iwama (Director of Music Ministry)
Norm Miller (Baritone)
Jeanne Seigle & Kathleen Grant (Chaplains)
Laura Kramer & Alejandro Polo (Offering Speaker)
Hymn #1023 Building Bridges
#1009 Meditation on Breathing
Loosen, Loosen (Aly Halpert)
#1010 We Give Thanks
#1040 Hush