January 8, 2023
A Ginger-Rooted Year of Joy and Justice
To make a resolution or not? Suleika Jaoad talks about writing into the unknown in contrast to neat and clear resolutions. We will explore how to find our center in a rapidly shifting world. How do we write meaning into the unknown while seeking joy AND justice?
Worship leaders in order of appearance:
John O’Neill (Pianist)
Rev. Emilie Boggis (Lead Ministry Team)
Helen Kaar (Beacon member)
Rosemary Wright (Worship Associate) and Dr. Tuli Patel (Lead Ministry Team)
Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner (Lead Ministry Team)
Kit Stinson (Chaplain)
Misa Iwama (Director of Music Ministry)
Dr. Tuli Patel (Lead Ministry Team)
Charlene Walker (Board Member, Beacon Hope and Equity Center)
Dick Muldoon (Community Group Facilitator)
Music and Reading:
#112, Do You Hear?
#295, Sing Out Praises for the Journey
Wayfaring Stranger (American Folk)
#121, We’ll Build a Land
Ginger Root and Resolutions, January 2nd, by Robin Tanner
Ginger Root and Resolutions, January 2nd
~by Robin Tanner
It occurred to me when food poisoning
Took me
For the second time in
5 months
This time…
On New Year’s Day
At 9pm.
This after setting the intention nine hours prior for
Yes, wait for it
Swallow your tea—
Maybe God was sending me a message?
Having no other ideas at 3 am
Alone on the cool tile floor,
I asked:
“Dear God, I don't understand.”
She answered:
I ain’t in the work
Of dropping you to a cold tile floor
At 3 am
For epiphany.
My love is so much better.
I am the moon ascendant
Drawing tide
And building your strength.
I am the small child who is at your bedside:
Can you make toast?
When the grief holds you to the bed and life is unbearable
But rise you do
For toast is needed and you are out of bread.
I am the stranger at checkout who asks
How are you?
And waits
Holds the gaze
And trusts that feeling that you both
Might not be okay that day
Eye to eye above snug masks
Knowing more than words could offer.
I am your love in the rapture of beloved
The holy dark that captures the corners of body and soul in one.
I am the first time you meet your child
Best friend on that bus in kindergarten, all anxious and holding hands.
I am the ahh in the stretch
The scent of the meal that says “I love you”
The feeling of that super soft sweater GamGam gave you too long ago.
I am even that beat in your body that praises the cool tile floor.
Be still
No really, food poisoning is bad sweetheart.
I am becoming and I am
And I was
And I am we, ours, they
I was already here
All along unfolding from the first breath
Growing and changing
In billions of life forms.
But since you asked:
Nah not me,
But maybe no more strategic plans for health
with dated goals, ok?
Maybe be enough,
As you are.
And believe it, Darlin'.
Also, ginger root.
Always ginger.”