July 30, 2023
Resistance Is For All of Us
Do you ever feel like resistance is a word for someone else? Maybe someone who is an activist? Or a justice role model? In our final Sunday of our spiritual reboot plan we will work out the spiritual practices of resistance for us all.
Music today is led by Beacon members Jean Crichton and Melanie Davis.
Order of Service
Prelude ~ Jean Crichton, pianist, Beacon member
Welcome ~ Missy Rogers, Worship Associate
Chalice Lighting ~ Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team
Reboot: Ringing the Tibetan Bowl Gong ~ Missy Rogers, Worship Associate
Opening Hymn: #121 We’ll Build a Land ~ led by Melanie Davis, Beacon member
Time for All Ages: All the Way to the Top by Annette Bay Pimentel ~ read by Jamaine Cripe, Lifespan Ministry Team
Candle Lighting ~ Cathy Menendez, Chaplain
Reading: Except from Murmurations: Love Looks Like Accountability by adrienne maree brown ~ read by Missy Rogers, Worship Associate
Holding the Question: What Must You Resist ~ led by Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team
Music: #123 Spirit of Life
Testimonial ~ Daniel Llanes, Beacon member
Offering: We invite the congregation to make a financial gift towards Beacon’s mission.
Online Gift through Vanco
Write a check payable to Beacon
Put cash in the offering plate
Offertory Music: Sanctuary by Carrie Newcomer
Sermon: Resistance Is For All of Us ~ Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team
Hymn: #180 We Are a Gentle, Angry People
Benediction ~ Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team
Other Beacon Staff & Volunteers who made this service possible
Live Stream Technician: Will Cisco
Audio Technician: Irvine Payne
Board Greeter: Ellie Muska
Welcome Team: Missy Rogers and Ingrid Loeuis
Virtual Usher: Jamaine Cripe