June 25, 2023

Justice AND Joy

A year after the dismantling of Roe vs Wade, what have we learned? What has happened this week from the Supreme Court? Today we'll bring the fire of the Summer Solstice as we highlight key lessons - like Justice AND Joy - from leaders in reproductive justice and members of our own congregation.

inspire all congregants to think about when and where they have fought for Justice and it has brought them Joy... not only those who have been deeply involved through Beacon but elsewhere also.

Looking for and finding the helpers reminds me that there are really good people out there doing really good things despite what makes it on the news stories. 

Worship leaders in order of appearance:

Dick Muldoon, Worship Associate

Claudia Cohen, Beacon Leader

Misa Iwama, Director of Music Ministries

John O’Neill, Pianist

Dennis Manion, Chaplain

emilie boggis, Lead Ministry Team

Reading: V’ahavta, by Aurora Levin Morale

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