June 4, 2023
Delight in Simplicity, Transformation in the Tiny
This is the 100th anniversary of the flower communion. Come learn about the story behind this annual ritual, the subversion it sustained and meaning today. We will offer a special welcome to our new members joining us from the First Unitarian Church in Plainfield. Bring a flower, if you can! Don't worry if you can't!
Worship leaders in order of appearance:
John O’Neill, pianist
Jamaine Cripe, Lifespan Ministry Team
Karen Engelmeyer, Worship Associate
Misa Iwama, Director of Music Ministries
Pastor Eyesha Marable, Pastor, Mt Zion AME Church, Millburn
Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team
emilie boggis, Lead Ministry Team
Allyson Murphy, Chaplain
Dr. Tuli Patel, Lead Ministry Team
Norm Miller, Partner Church
Jean Crichton, Partner Church
Hymn #188 Come Come Whoever You Are
Hymn #396 I Know This Rose WIll Open
Rising Green by Carolyn McDade
Hymn #21 For the Beauty of the Earth
Hymns from Singing the Living Tradition