March 12, 2023
The Elephant in the Room
Rev. Gary Blaine says, "Unitarian Universalists do not seem to mind if the minister preaches on sex. But money is the bane of the pulpit." A month after Sex Sunday, we dare to talk about the elephant in the room, money, as a way to liberate ourselves from our money narratives. Let us right-size money as a tool for making our values come alive.
Join us at 3:00 pm for Beacon's Afternoon Music concert.
Worship leaders in order of appearance:
Dr. Tuli Patel (Lead Ministry Team)
Misa Iwama (Director of Music Ministry)
John O’Neill (Pianist)
Chad Petrovay (Beacon choir member)
Kit Stinson & Kathleen Grant (Chaplains)
Nicole Jacobson (Ministerial Intern)
Chad Petrovay (Testimonial)
Missy Rogers (Worship Associate)
emilie boggis (Lead Ministry Team)
Hymn #389 Gathered Here in the Mystery of the Hour
Hymn #16 ‘Tis a Gift to be Simple
Seasons of Love (Jonathan Larson)
Hymn #126 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing