May 14, 2023

The Mother of all Loves

On this Mother's Day we reflect on Universalism, and the idea of radical love and that all beings are worthy and deserving of love and liberation Music with guest organist Katia Kravitz and the Beacon Adult Choir.

Worship leaders in order of appearance:

Katia Kravitz, Organist

Nicole Jacobson, Ministerial Intern

Scott Schnipper, Worship Associate

Misa Iwama, Director of Music Ministry

The Beacon Adult Choir

Dr. Tuli Patel, Leadership Team

Rev. Robin Tanner, Leadership Team

John O’Neill, Pianist

Allyson Murphy/Dennis Manion/ Chaplain

Frankie Pelaéz & Sarah Lovern


Hymn #36 When in Our Music God is Glorified

How Bright and Fair the Morning Star, from BWV 36 (J.S. Bach)

Bright Morning Stars (Traditional Folk)

Hymn #126 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Hymns from Singing the Living Tradition

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