November 17, 2024

And A Child Shall Lead Them

Come take a peek behind what happens in small groups on Sunday mornings, as our 5th graders share their statements about the UU value that speaks to them. This service is an important Rite of Passage for our 5th graders and an invitation to us all to reflect on how we live our values. Join us this Sunday to hear Rev. Robin's homily, "And A Child Shall Lead Them," and the Kids' Chorus.

Program for children and youth: Programming for PreK - 5th grades is at 9:30 and 11 AM. Children begin in Sanctuary (main level). Grades 6 and up meet at 6 PM.

Prelude: Piano solo, John O’Neill, Pianist

Welcome: Dr. Tuli Patel, Lead Ministry Team

Come and Go With Me to That Land/#118 This Little Light of Mine, Kids Chorus, Misa Iwama, Director of Music Ministry, and John O’Neill

Chalice Lighting: #649 From Generation to Generation, Antoine de St.-Exupéry read by Rosemary Wright, Beacon Worship Associate

5th Grade Rite of Passage, Tuli Patel, Jamaine Cripe and 5th Graders

9:30 AM: Ella Alderman, Kirk Alderman, Sean Catts, Arya Sanders, and Kara Vijiasingham

11 AM: Avi d’Sa, Ethan Ng, Lily Robbins, Arthur Rowan, Lila Rowan, and Gryphon Rydzewski

Song: Count on Me by Bruno Mars, Kids Chorus

Candlelighting: Allyson Murphy and Sallie Reinmund, Beacon Chaplains

Reading A House Called Tomorrow, Alberto Ríos read by Rosemary Wright, Beacon Worship Associate, Jack Picariello, and Abigale Laney

Prayer, Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team

Testimony: Barbara Heisler, Beacon Board of Trustees Member

Offertory: Piano solo, John O’Neill, Pianist

Homily: And A Child Shall Lead Them, Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner

Song: Where You Go by Shoshana Jedwab, Misa Iwama, John O’Neill

Benediction: Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner

Postlude: John O’Neill

With special thanks to all the volunteers and staff who made our service possible including:

Worship Lead: Dr. Tuli Patel and Rev. Robin

Music: Misa Iwama, John O’Neill, Kids Chorus

Live Stream Technician: Lux Chakrapani

Audio Tech: Tejas Chakrapani

Worship Associate: Rosemary Wright

Board Greeter: Barbara Heisler

Welcome Team: Marty Rothfelder; Ron Schneider and Kathleen Leistikow

Virtual Usher:  Jen Skarda McCann and Pablo Vazquez  

Chaplain: Allyson Murphy and Sallie Reinmund

Rick Myers