November 5, 2023

All Souls Sunday

Endings often come before beginnings. As we witness the foliage around us shift from Summer greens to the vibrant reds, oranges, yellows, and browns of Autumn, let's discover what needs to go fallow this winter in order to welcome new time in our lives. Sunday’s services will feature voices from our Chaplain Team and music from André Bernard, who leads Dances of Universal Peace, led by Misa Iwama and pianist, Vicki Carter. We invite you to bring photos of your ancestors or chrysanthemum flowers to decorate our altar.

Join the conversation on Beacon’s Slack channel #sundaychat.

Order of Service

Prelude ~ Vicki Carter, pianist

Welcome ~ emilie boggis, Lead Ministry Team

Hymn #1029 Love Knocks and Waits for Us to Hear ~ led by Misa Iwama, Director of Music Ministries

Chalice Lighting ~ Missy Rogers, Worship Associate



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  1. Online giving through Vanco:

  2. Text a dollar amount to 877-512-2021. First-Timers: you’ll need your credit card and to follow the prompts. There is a 3% processing fee; add a little extra to cover!

  3. Make a check payable to Beacon. Mail to 4 Waldron Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901

Offertory: Hinah Mah tov, traditional ~ André Bernard, musician

The End is the Beginning: Maureen Erwin, Beacon member

Musical Interlude

Midpoints: Chris Baglieri, Beacon fan

Musical Interlude

Reading: In Autumn by Rev. Kimberly Wildszewski, read by Missy Rogers


Building Altars for Ancestors and Lives of Intention with emilie and Chaplains, 9:30 AM Kit Stinson and 11 AM Jeanne Seigle

An Intention for the End: André Bernard, Beacon member

Music: Love, Serve and Remember by John Astin ~ André Bernard, musician

Hymn #1051 We Are ~ led by Misa Iwama, Director of Music Ministries



Additional Beacon Staff & Volunteers who made this service possible

Live Stream Technician: Will Cisco

Audio Technician: Riley Yah

Board Greeters: Jessica Park

Welcome Team: 9:30 AM Donna Fochesato 11 AM Lyndsey and Jeff Garibaldi

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