A Gift For Your Loved Ones: Advance Care Planning

Have you had “The Conversation” with your loved ones? Do you know that there is a high degree of depression in loved ones long after they make an end-of-life decision for someone without any prior meaningful discussions? After our July 14th service Maureen Erwin will speak with us about Advance Care Planning, which is to determine how you want to live when you are chronically ill or at the end of your life, and how and when and to whom to communicate your wishes. You need to plan before there is a crisis to get the care you want, and no more, and you need to choose the right advocate for you when you cannot speak for yourself. It may not be your spouse or first born! From her experience as a Board-Certified Chaplain in the Emergency Room and ICU Maureen will share how logistics frequently overtake any advance care planning legal work you may already have prepared. Maureen will give us insight about what often happens when we don’t plan in advance, how to choose the right person to speak for us when we can’t speak for ourselves, and will provide tools to achieve the two most important actions she believes will assist you to having “The Conversation.” Maureen became a Board-Certified Chaplain and a Certified Advance Care Planning Facilitator after a 40-year career in financial services. Maureen speaks frequently on this topic, often with the Goals of Care Coalition of NJ and COYLE (Conversation of Your Life group for the NJHCQI), and provides individual and family consultations.

Registration is not required but will assure that materials are available for you.

Rick Myers