Let's UUtheVote!

Do you want to help Get Out The Vote in 2022?

The Unitarian Universalist UUTheVote project speaks to the Fifth UU Principle, affirming “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.”

We at Beacon are participating in this non-partisan effort. Currently, we are preparing and sending postcards to voters, encouraging them to vote and pointing them to voter resources in their localities.

Do you want to help send GOTV postcards? If you’re interested, contact dianakyser@gmail.com or uulorraine@gmail.com.

Become a poll-worker in NJ!

New Jersey’s counties, in partnership with the Department of State, Division of Elections, is actively seeking residents to serve as poll workers for the upcoming elections. You may work in any county in the state, not just the one in which you are registered to vote. Follow the link for more information https://nj.gov/state/elections/pollworker.shtml

Launch of UUTheVote 2022

The official launch for the 2022 UUTheVote project will be held on April 10. Click here to register for this online event. Note that we at Beacon are already moving forward to get out the vote, writing post cards and text banking. You can contact Lorraine Franz or Diana Kyser if you want to get involved.

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