Picnic in the Park

Picnic in the Park to Benefit Neighborhood Beacon in Long Hill Township

On Saturday, September 28, beginning at noon, people from all over will meet to share community as they enjoy brown bag picnics at Matthew G. Kantor Memorial Park in Gillette (Long Hill Township). In addition to enjoying each other's company over lunch, attendees will be treated to live music performed by Mike Berger and Dennis Manion, well-known local artists who feature an intimate blend of vocals and acoustic guitar. Bring chairs, blankets and your food and drink and enjoy fellowship and music with your neighbors.

Anyone who wishes to attend the picnic and help the food insecure may donate here: bit.ly/NeighborhoodBeacon. Individuals may donate $10 to attend, families $25. 100% of the money raised will go towards alleviating hunger in Long Hill Township.

Update: One food option to consider is ordering from Angie's Italian Deli, Gourmet Prepared Foods, at 606 Valley Road in Gillette, New Jersey. For every lunch sold on September 28th for the picnic, Angie will donate 10% of proceeds to help resolve food insecurity in the Long Hill area. People purchasing food for the event must identify themselves as attending the "picnic fundraiser." To order, call Angie's Italian Deli at (908) 350-8005. To view the menu, and order online, go to https://www.angiesgourmetdeli.com/.

For further information, please contact neighborhoodbeaconlonghill@gmail.com.

Rick Myers