Statement on the Police Shooting of Najee Seabrooks

We join with our partners at Salvation and Social Justice, as well as other organizations, in expressing our grief over the tragic police shooting of Najee Seabrooks, a nonviolent crisis interventionist with the Paterson Healing Collective. A survivor of gun violence, Najee worked tirelessly to help solve disputes nonviolently. We offer our condolences to his family, friends, colleagues, and to the Paterson community. Our chaplain team extends its support to all of those struggling with this violence and to those who have been touched by police violence. If you would like a call from a chaplain, reach out to

Again we see how our justice system is unequal and unjust along racial lines. As Unitarian Universalists, desecrating the inherent worth and dignity of human life runs counter to our basic principles, and we are committed to accountably dismantling racism in our institutions.

We call our members to action. Reach out to your elected officials in support of the demands below, identified by Salvation and Social Justice. Complete details can be found here.

The time for thoughts and prayers is long gone.  Enough is enough!

NJ Attorney General Matthew Platkin

609-984-5828 | Contact form | Twitter

Asking for:

  • State takeover of the Paterson police department

  • AG to conduct a comprehensive review and investigation of the Paterson Police Department

  • AG to initiate complaints of all officers involved in Najee’s killing

Paterson Mayer André Sayegh

973-321-1600 | | Twitter

Asking for:

  • Mayor to immediately resign

Find your NJ state legislators here.

Asking for:

  • Legislature to immediately codify the Attorney General’s Use of Force Directive

  • Legislature to adopt policy that would establish Community Civilian Review Boards

  • $25 million dollar investment in the Community Based Violence Intervention Program

  • Immediate passage of legislation that would establish community led response teams

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