March 17, 2024
March 17, 2024
Here Comes the Sun
Join us for a pageant extravaganza celebrating the spring equinox and a new story in this multigenerational, musically inspired equinox pageant. Not to be missed!
Prelude: John O’Neill, pianist
Welcome: Rachel Rydzewski, Beacon Worship Associate
Chalice Lighting: Cathy Bataille, Worship Associate
Song #1003 “Where Do We Come From” (Words: Paul Gaugin & Brian Tate, Music: Brian Tate) Kid’s Choir; Misa Iwama, Director of Music Ministry
Story Part 1: Introduction to Kore Narrator 1: Jamaine Cripe, Demeter: Naomi Hills, Kore: Lucy Davies, 2 Maidens: Lily Robbins & Lila Rowan
Song: #367 “Allelu, Allelu” (Words and music: Anon) Jamaine Cripe, Lifespan Coordinator
Story Part 2: Kore Finds the Flower. Narrators 1, 2 & 3: Jamaine Cripe, Lily Robbins & Lila Rowan, Kore: Lucy Davies, 2 Maidens: Lily Robbins & Lila Rowan
What Wondrous Love (Music from The Southern Harmony)
Story Part 3: Entering the Underworld Narrator 1 & 2: Jamaine Cripe & Lily Robbins, Kore: Lucy Davies
Meditation: Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team
Candlelighting: Dennis Manion and Jeanne Seigle
Story Part 4: A Grieving Mother Narrator 3: Lila Rowan, Demeter: Naomi Hills, Maiden: Lily Robbins
Song #1069 “Ancient Mother” (Words & music: Traditional Navajo prayer)
Story Part 5: Encountering Hades Narrators 2 & 3: Lily Robbins & Lila Rowan, Demeter: Naomi Hills, Kore: Lucy Davies, Hades: Teddy Robbins
Offering: Madhan Gounder, Beacon Member
Offertory: piano solo
Story Part 6: A Seasonal Choice Narrators 2 & 3: Lily Robbins & Lila Rowan, Demeter: Naomi Hills, Zeus: Kai Tyler-Garibaldi, Kore: Lucy Davies, Hades: Teddy Robbins
Pomegranate Communion: Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Cathy Bataille and Rachel Rydzewski
Song #118 This Little Light of Mine (Spiritual)
Story Part 7: Persephone is Born Narrator 3: Lila Rowan, Kore: Lucy Davies
Song “Here Comes the Sun” (Words and Music by George Harrison)
Story Part 8: Spring Arrives Kore/Persephone: Lucy Davies, Zeus: Kai Tyler-Garibaldi, Demeter: Naomi Hills, Narrator 1: Jamaine Cripe
Song #1018 “Come and Go With Me” (Spiritual)
Benediction - Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner and Persephone: Lucy Davies
Postlude piano solo
Special thanks to everyone who made our service possible including:
Live Stream Technician: Will Cisco
Audio Tech: Henry McCann
Board Greeter: Missy Rogers
Welcome Team: 9:30 Dick Muldoon; 11:00 Ron Schneider and Missy Rogers
Virtual Usher: Pablo Vazquez, Intern Minister