March 24, 2024
March 24, 2024
Conquering Fear
What do you fear? In this service our guest minister, Rev. John, discusses real and perceived fears and why fear prevents us from creating a more just and equitable society for all. Rev. John T. Crestwell, Jr. is a called minister and Executive at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis. He began his ministry in Annapolis in 2009, and before that was minister of Davies Memorial UU in Camp Springs, MD 2003-2008.
Previously, Rev. John was an affiliated faculty professor at the UU seminary, Meadville Lombard Theological in Chicago; and also an adjunct professor at Potomac College in Washington, DC, teaching Comparative Religion, African American History, and Public Speaking.
He is author of the books, Conversations: The Hidden Truth That Keeps The World From Being At Peace, published in 2001; The Charge of the Chalice published in 2007, which tells the story of his first UU congregation’s growth in racial diversity, and You Were Made for so Much More: Interfaith Lessons to Transform our World, in 2016. Rev. John is also a contributing author in several Skinner House books. Rev. John is a mentor, singer, spiritual teacher, social justice advocate, and coach. He is married and has 5 grown children.
Order of Service:
Prelude: John O’Neill
Welcome: Daniel Cymbala, Worship Associate and Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team
Chalice Lighting: Daniel Cymbala, Worship Associate
Hymn #112 Do You Hear?: Jackie Jones
Candlelighting: Shawn Jordan (9:30) and Cathy Menendez (11), Chaplains
Music: “A Child is Born” by Thad Jones
Prayer: Rev. John
Testimonial: Stephanie Day Powell
Offertory: “Circle” by Cynthia Weil and Jud J. Friedman
Reading: Invictus, William Ernest Henley
Piano Interlude
Sermon: Conquering Fear, Rev. John Crestwell
Hymn #151 I Wish I Knew How
Benediction: Rev. John Crestwell
Postlude piano solo
Special thanks to everyone who made our service possible including:
Live Stream Technician: Will Cisco
Audio Tech: Henry McCann
Worship associate: Daniel Cymbala
Board Greeter: Kimi Nakata
Welcome Team: 9:30 Suzanne Wagner and Kathleen Leistikow; 11:00 Marty Rothfelder and Dick Muldoon
Virtual Usher: Pablo Vazquez