March 31, 2024

Defeating Death

On this Easter, we celebrate the early Jesus movement's celebration of life and counter cultural teaching on life and death. It will not be your average Easter service, with new members joining and the Beacon choir singing. Easter egg hunts to follow each service, 10:30 am at 4 Waldron Ave and weather permitting at 12:30 at 695 Springfield. If we have inclement weather, both will be at 4 Waldron Ave. All are welcome!

Prelude: John O’Neill, Pianist

Choral Anthem: Creation of Peace by Mark Miller, Beacon Choir, Misa Iwama, Director of Music Ministry

Welcome: Jamaine Cripe, Lifespan Ministry Team

Hymn #201 Glory Glory Hallelujah

Chalice Lighting: Dr. Tuli Patel, Lead Ministry Team

Story: An Alleluia Kind of Day, Dr. Tuli Patel, Lead Ministry Team

Ritual of Community: Child Dedication (9:30am) and New Member Ceremony (11am) Chris Budin, Membership Coordinator

Candlelighting: Kit Stinson, Beacon Chaplain and Jeanne Seigle, Beacon Chaplain

Hymn #296, O Ye Who Taste That Love Is Sweet

Testimonial: Dusty and Kristen Hilbert, Beacon Members

Offertory The 23rd Psalm (Dedicated to My Mother) by Bobby McFerrin [Kids leave for activities]

Homily: Defeating Death, Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team

Hymn #268, Jesus Christ Is Risen Today

Benediction: Ritual of Blessing with the Community Waters


Special thanks to all those volunteers and staff including those not listed in the order of service:

Live Stream Technician: Will Cisco

Audio Tech: Henry McCann

Board Greeter: Ellie Muska

Welcome Team: 9:30Dick Muldoon; 11 Missy Rogers Dick Muldoon

Virtual Usher: Pablo Vazquez

Tuli Patel