April 14, 2024
Celebrating our interdependence: Join our youth leaders as they bring us a worship service exploring interdependence, which is one of the new proposed values that would replace our current UU principles. Beacon has a long tradition of youth leadership and we welcome the wisdom and vision which will be shared in this service.
Prelude: Ave Maria by Franz Schubert. Maya Kimmel, cello
Welcome: Adam Gonnerman and Chad Petrovay
Opening Hymn: #1001 Breaths Essa McGowan, Dane Moore, Chad Petrovay, vocals and John O’Neill piano
Chalice Lighting: Hannah Schell
Testimonial: Special Plate New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance
Offertory: Sammy Kuriyan and Elise Hinrichs on cello and flute
Wonderbox: Hannah Schell and Elise Hinrichs
Candlelighting Maya Kimmel with Andrea, Sophia and Phoenix Rydzewski
Reading: The Web of Life, Robert T. Weston read by Henry McCann
Meditation: Izzy San Miguel-Legrou
Hymn 1009 Meditation on Breathing
Reflection: Elías Alderman, Sammy Kuriyan, and Abby Laney
1064 Blue Boat Home
Benediction: Abby Laney
Postlude: Phoenix Rydzewski on guitar
Special thanks to:
Live Stream Technician: Will Cisco
Audio Tech: Henry McCann
Board Greeter: Alejandro Polo
Welcome Team: 9:30 Wim Sweldens and 11:00 Stefanie Szarek and Michael Szarek
Virtual Usher: Pablo Vazquez