April 21, 2024: Single 10:00 AM Service
Together, Another Possibility Waiting
Independence is so praised within the world, that it is easy to try to go it alone. Come join us for a Sunday exploring the power of interdependence with voices from our chaplain and care ministry. We will also be launching new care ministries this Sunday. A service of affirmation with the Beacon Choir singing.
Prelude: John O’Neill
Welcome: Chris Budin, Membership Coordinator
Reading of the Covenant: Helen Kaar, Worship Associate
Chalice Lighting: Abby Laney, Worship Associate
Hymn: Come Come Whoever You Are by Noah Aronson; I’m Calling You by Peter Rowan Misa Iwama, Director of Music Ministry and the Beacon Choir
Invocation: Choose to Bless the World, Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker read by Helen Kaar, Worship Associate
Chaplain Story: Shawn Jordan, Beacon Chaplain
Candle Lighting: Jeanne Seigle, Beacon Chaplain
Meditation: Loving Kindness, Dr. Tuli Patel
Chaplain Story: Cathy Menendez, Beacon Chaplain
Hymn: #1031 Filled With Loving Kindness
Testimonial: Nancy Griffeth, Beacon Member for New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance
Offertory: Keep Your Lamps, arranged by Andre Thomas
Homily: Together Another Possibility, Waiting, Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner
Hymn: #1028, The Fire of Commitment
Benediction: Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner
Postlude: Piano Solo
Special thanks to all the staff and volunteers making our service today possible:
Live Stream Technician: Will Cisco
Audio Tech: Sameer Kuriyan
Board Greeter: Missy Rogers
Welcome Team: Dick Muldoon
Virtual Usher: Pablo Vazquez, Intern Minister