December 10, 2023

The Wind in the Pine Trees

On this anniversary of the death of the great American ecotheological mystic Thomas Merton, let us gather this Sunday to remember, even in the coldest winters, the beauty and blessings of nature around us and how nature can help us form our own theologies. As Thomas Merton said: “Nothing has ever been said about God that hasn’t already been said better by the wind in the pine trees.”

Join the conversation on Beacon’s Slack channel #sundaychat.

Order of Service


Welcome, Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner

Hymn #21, For the Beauty of the Earth

Chalice Lighting, Missy Rogers, Worship Associate

Story: “The Wind in the Pine Tree”, Pablo Vazquez, Intern Minister

Candle Lighting 9:30 Allyson Murphy 11AM Cathy Menendez

#396, I Know This Rose Will Open

Meditation, Pablo Vazquez, Intern Minister

Testimonial, Chris Cotter, SHIP (Summit Helping Its People)

Offering: There are three ways to give to this week’s Social Justice plate.

  1. Online giving through Vanco:

  2. Text a dollar amount to 877-512-2021 today, December 10. First-Timers: you’ll need your credit card and to follow the prompts. There is a 3% processing fee; add a little extra to cover!

  3. Make a check payable to Beacon. Mail to 4 Waldron Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901 and write “Social Justice plate 12/10” in the memo line.

Offertory “Because” by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, performed with Misa Iwama, Vicki Carter, Joëlle Bochner, Ron Califano, Melanie Davis and Brian Kelly

Sermon The Wind in the Pine Trees, Pablo Vazquez, Intern Minister

Hymn #163, For the Earth Forever Turning

Benediction, Pablo Vazquez, Intern Minister

Postlude piano solo

Additional Beacon Staff & Volunteers who made this service possible:

Live Stream Technician: Will Cisco

Audio Technician: Sameer Kuriyan

Board Greeter: Alejandro Polo

Welcome Team: 9:30 Allyson Murphy 11:00 Michael and Stefanie Szaeek

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