December 3, 2023

Demystifying Religious Education

Come take a peek behind what happens on Sunday mornings in our small groups for PreK-5th grades. Much of what we do, how we do it, and why we do it is based on the work of Jiddu Krishanmurti. Featuring the 5th-grade Rite of Passage, and Beacon’s Choir will be singing.

Join the conversation on Beacon’s Slack channel #sundaychat.

Order of Service


Welcome Misa Iwama, Director of Music Ministries

Hymn #389, Gathered Here in the Mystery

Chalice Lighting, Rosemary Wright Beacon Worship Associate

5th Grade Rite of Passage: John Cinotti, Anya Kimmmel, Milo Lipman, Amelia Schell

Candle Lighting: Dennis Manion & Shawn Jordan, Beacon Chaplains

Hymn #34, Though I May Speak

Meditation, Dr. Tuli Patel, Lead Ministry Team

Music: Take Me Home by Kevin Olusola, Kirsin Maldonado & Audra Mae

Social Justice Testimonial, Amanda Parrish Block, GRACE and Summit Warm Hearts

Offertory We Shall Be Known

Offering: There are three ways to give to this week’s Social Justice plate.

  1. Online giving through Vanco:

  2. Text a dollar amount to 877-512-2021 today, December 3. First-Timers: you’ll need your credit card and to follow the prompts. There is a 3% processing fee; add a little extra to cover!

  3. Make a check payable to Beacon. Mail to 4 Waldron Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901 and write “Social Justice plate 12/3” in the memo line.

Reading: Think on These Things, J. Krishnamurti  Rosemary Wright

Reflection: Dr. Tuli Patel 

Hymn #128 For All That Is Our Life

Benediction, Dr. Tuli Patel


Additional Beacon Staff & Volunteers who made this service possible:

Live Stream Technician: Will Cisco

Audio Technician: Riley Yau and Sammy Kuriyan

Board Greeter: Barbara Heisler

Welcome Team: Hilary Polk, Lyndsey and Jeff Garibaldi

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