December 31, 2023

Words for a New Year

Our annual service of poetry and setting New Year's resolutions led by our fabulous team of lay worship associates! Music with Beacon member pianist Judy Brewer.

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Order of Service

Prelude: Judy Brewer, piano

Welcome, Missy Rogers, Beacon Worship Associate

Chalice Lighting: Dick Muldoon, Beacon Worship Associate

Poem: Burning the Old Year by Naomi Shihab Nye/read by Helen Kaar, Beacon Worship Associate

Poem: For a New Beginning by John O’ Donohue/read by Wim Sweldens, Beacon Worship Associate

Music: Hymn 298/led by Ron Califano, Jean Crichton, Cathy Menendez, Norm Miller

Poem: A Creed by John Masefield/read by Dick Muldoon

Candle Lighting: Dennis Manion & Kinara Lighting: Mia Morse

Music “Es ist ein Ros entsprungen” Ron Califano, Jean Crichton, Cathy Menendez, Norm Miller

Poem: Hammock by Mary Lea Crawley

Poem: Pulse of the Morning by Maya Angelou/read by Mia Morse

Poem: The Beginning and The End by Wislawa Szymborska/read by Missy Rogers

Poems: Tender by Jose Antonio Rodriguez & Alive at the End of the World by Saeed Jones/read by Helen Kaar

Responsive Reading Mary Oliver’s Wild Geese #490

Music: Hymn 100

Poem: Tending Two Shops by Rumi

Poem: A Journey by Nikki Giovanni

Testimonial, Missy Rogers

Offering: There are three ways to give to Beacon’s mission of radical inclusion, feeding the human spirit and healing the world.

  1. Online giving through Vanco:

  2. Text a dollar amount to 877-512-2021. First-Timers: you’ll need your credit card and to follow the prompts. There is a 3% processing fee; add a little extra to cover!

  3. Make a check payable to Beacon. Mail to 4 Waldron Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901.

Offertory, A Change in Me

Benediction, Wim Sweldens


Additional Beacon Staff & Volunteers who made this service possible:

Live Stream Technician: Will Cisco

Audio Technician: Riley Yau

Board Greeter: Ellie Muska

Welcome Team: Ron Schneider

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