January 7, 2024

Resolving with Love

What does love require of us? Nearly a century ago, the symbol of Unitarian Universalism was born from a few people who dared to ask deeply: what does love require of us? If you were resolved with love as your north star, where would it lead you now?

Join the conversation on Beacon’s Slack channel #sundaychat.

Order of Service

Prelude: Misa Iwama

Welcome: Dr. Tuli Patel

Hymn #34 Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire Joëlle Bochner, Dennis Manion and Misa Iwama

Chalice Lighting: Helen Kaar

Wonderbox! Bravest Fire: The Origins of the Chalice, Dr. Tuli Patel, Jamaine Cripe, Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner

Candlelighting: Allyson Murphy and Cathy Menendez, Chaplains

#296, O Ye Who Taste That Love Is Sweet

Meditation: Dr. Tuli Patel

Reading: Excerpt Take Me to the Water, James Baldwin Helen Kaar

Testimonial: Dr. Tuli Patel

Offering: There are three ways to give to Beacon’s mission of radical inclusion, feeding the human spirit and healing the world.

  1. Online giving through Vanco: https://secure.myvanco.com/L-ZAE0/home.

  2. Text a dollar amount to 877-512-2021. First-Timers: you’ll need your credit card and to follow the prompts. There is a 3% processing fee; add a little extra to cover!

  3. Make a check payable to Beacon. Mail to 4 Waldron Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901.

Offertory: “Love Song” by Lesley Duncan

Sermon: Resolving Love, Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner

Hymn #131 Love Will Guide Us

Benediction: Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner


Additional Beacon Staff & Volunteers who made this service possible:

Live Stream Technician: Will Cisco

Board Greeter: Missy Rogers

Welcome Team: HIlary Polk, Lyndsey Garibaldi and Jeff Garibaldi

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