July 16, 2023

Grin & Bear It: Lessons in Bad Resilience 

Is that the worst "resilience" advice you've ever received? What if resilience comes in many forms? What is authentic for us, both individually and collectively? Let's reframe what we mean when we are resilient. 

Music today is offered by Beacon members Judy Brewer on piano, Ron Califano on guitar and vocals, and Cathy Menendez and Norm Miller on vocals.

Order of Service

Prelude ~ Judy Brewer, pianist

Welcome ~ Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner, Lead Ministry Team

Chalice Lighting ~ Wim Sweldens, Worship Associate

Reboot Practice: Ringing of the Tibetan Bowl Gong ~ emilie boggis, Lead Ministry Team

Music #184 Be Ye Lamps onto Yourselves ~ Judy Brewer, pianist; Ron Califano, guitar; Cathy Menendez and Norm Miller, vocalists

Embodied Resilience ~ Wim Sweldens, emilie boggis, Rev. Dr. Robin Tanner and Judy Brewer

Congregational Hymn #6 Just as Long as I Have Breath

Candle Lighting Ritual ~ Jeanne Seigle, Chaplain

Music #1015 I Know I Can

Testimonial from Himanshu Goodluck, Beacon Friend

Offering: We invite the congregation to make a financial gift towards Beacon’s mission.

  • Online Gift through Vanco

  • Write a check payable to Beacon

  • Put cash in the offering plate

Offertory Music: Chimes of Freedom by Bob Dylan

Sermon: Grin & Bear It ~ emilie boggis

Congregational Hymn #1017 Building a New Way



Other Beacon Staff & Volunteers who made this service possible

Live Stream Technician: Will Cisco 

Board Greeter: Kimi Nakata

Welcome Team: Suzanne Wagner and Ron Schneider

Virtual Usher: Sasha Torres

Guest User