July 9, 2023

Rest: Lessons from Yoga and Buddhism

Active rest and reshaping our inner lives: tips from Buddhism and yoga.

Worship leaders in order of appearance:

Missy Rogers, Worship Associate

emilie boggis, Lead Ministry Team

Judy Brewer, piano

Joëlle Bochner, vocals

Brian Kelly, guitar

Alex Kelly, piano

Kit Stinson, Chaplain

Dr. Tuli Patel, Lead Ministry Team


Hymns from Singing the Living Tradition and Singing the Journey

Hymn #367 Allelu, Allelu

If (by David Gates)

Forbidden (by Alex Kelly)

Hymn #1009 Meditation on Breathing

Mandinga (by Ruben Gonzales)

Children’s Program

Superhero Academy w/ Amelia & Lauren in Fellowship Hall (Theme: Shining a Light in the Universe)

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