Beacon Leadership Retreat - September 9 & 10

We invite all existing leaders and anyone interested in leadership at Beacon to join us on Friday and Saturday, September 9th & 10th, for an important skills-building retreat. Together, we’ll break bread and build relationships to move us to a space of covenant, trust and deep listening.

This retreat will be held at 695 Springfield and consist of two main events. We ask all who attend to come to both:

  • Dinner and Covenanting, Friday September 9th, 7 - 9 PM

  • Discussion and Skills Building, Saturday September 10th, 9 AM - 3:30 PM

Our goals for this retreat are for all interested in leadership at Beacon to:

  • Meet, build community, and learn together

  • Develop deeper understanding of Anti-Racism and embodying the 8th Principle as a leader

  • Skills building and creating welcoming spaces for all of our members

Please fill out this quick form to let us know if you can make it, what you hope to learn during this retreat, and your dietary preferences. We will send preparatory information to everyone who RSVPs.

If the above link doesn’t work for you, please copy and paste this link into your browser:

Please access Leadership Retreat Materials here!

Thank you! And we look forward to seeing you!

Members of the Widening the Circle Committee and the Beacon Board

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