Immediate Support Needed for Afghan Refugee Family

A member of the Afghan family Beacon is sponsoring will be arriving in the United States in the coming weeks. We'e looking for a Beacon volunteer(s) to welcome this individual into her home for about two months, prior to the start of her teaching position in NYC. Ideally, the home should be in a walkable town, near public transportation to NYC.

We also need a team of volunteers who are available to support this individual in accessing and understanding the basic aspects of living in NJ, and eventually NYC. This would include accompanying her on her first trip to a grocery store, bank, public transportation, etc. Additionally, we need volunteers to support this person in finding and setting up an apartment in NYC, most likely in early September.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you are able to provide a room in your home to this individual, or if you are available to be part of a welcome team. Please send your name, contact information, and details on the type of support you could provide to Ellen Boylan at

The remainder of the family, including a couple with three children and a grandmother, will arrive in the US in late fall/early winter. We will need a similar team to help them settle in. If you would like to be in a group to provide support later on, please let us know.

Financial donations to support the family are needed and very much appreciated. Checks can be made to Beacon UU Congregation with “Afghan family support” in the memo line.

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